Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Beginning


My colleages had a little going away party for me in Price, UT this evening. Great fun. They are excited, a little concerned and glad to get rid of me for a while all at the same time. Thank you all, I could not possibly do this without all of you.


Packed up and leaving Price at about 11 am. Said goodbye to Angie and Jen, they cried, I left. Thanks girls, that's so sweet. This doesn't really feel like the start of the trip yet as I have meetings and biz to take care of in Green River and Moab on the way. Some of my Moab friends and colleages put together a little party for me this evening in Moab. Thanks Shirley for hosting that. Great fun and crazy people. They assured me that they would continue to have parties "for me" while I was gone. I couldn't ask for more, Thanks. Said goodbye to Iris and Shirley, they cried too, I left. Thanks girls, so sweet.


Spent the night at Kelly's house and got up early. Called in to the KSL Outdoors show for my 2 minutes of fame and hauled ass. This feels like the real deal. The stresses of the last few weeks melt away in the first few miles. It is an awesome feeling to depart on an adventure like this. Up until now this whole thing has been too large to comprehend. Now it is down to living mile by mile and enjoying the ride. I leave Moab on a beautiful, 60 degree fall morning, watching the red cliffs light up as the sun comes up from behind the LaSal mountains. As the miles roll by the landscape changes from the red rocks of Moab, to the Blue Mountains of Monticello, to the high farmland on the way to Cortez, to the deserts and lava fields of New Mexico. The bike rolled over to 10,000 miles as the last of a spectacular orange sunset faded away. I am in Las Cruces, NM tonight after covering about 600 miles. Should be an easy 250 miles to hook up with Lucas in Alpine, TX tomorrow. Trip miles 703.


  1. btw, Thanks for the call into the show Mark! We all enjoyed it as well as our listeners. We are looking forward to hearing about your adventure every week on KSL Outdoors. Hopefully, after a couple of weeks, you can still remember which day is Saturday. Be SAFE!

    Skycall Communications

  2. To my son, the adventurer: Our thoughts and prayers will be with you every mile of the way. Be safe. Love Mom

  3. Enjoy, be happy it will be an Unforgettable experience! I will pray for you and your friend safety!

    Take Care,
    Sandra from Seattle ;)

  4. Drive fast, Take chances, for we only have 1 life to live, and you don't know how long that will last. Take care my freind. and meg sends her love.

  5. i hope you find the time free zone ;)

  6. Love you dad, don't die. And you better come back. Oh and another request, enjoy it twice as much for me since you wouldn't bring me along. I'll miss you, I already do
