17-Nov-2009 3120 Miles
Yep, you got it, we rode motorcylces again today. Its getting to be a habit. As we were getting going this morning, Nick said, I love this job. Yeah, it's pretty tough.
We left Escarcega this morning with the actual intention of not just riding today, but going to see some Mayan ruins along the way. We went to see the Calakmul ruins at the Reserva De La Biosphere Calakmul. It is kind of like a national park without any people, very remote. It is a nature reserve as well as the location of these ruins. Think Chichen Itza without any people there. My camera prob has not been taken care of yet so you'll have to go to www.mayanbeachgarden.com/Calakmul.html if you want to check it out. I climbed to the top of all but one of the largest temples in this place, it was truly amazing. I could see Guatemala from there. It is a pretty remote hike into that place after you drive the long distance to get there, we're talking jungle. I saw monkeys playing around in the trees, that was a new experience for me. Then there were these Howler monkeys, wow, they get going and it sounds like a bunch of Jaguars having a brawl. To listen to these things you would think they are 8 feet tall and weigh 400 pounds, but they're just a little monkey with a big mouth.
The road in and out of this place was seriously cool. About wide enough for 2 motorcycles to meet, very tight and winding, and under the jungle canopy most of the way. No sun, like racing through a tunnel.
The pics tod
, lets see, the top pic is a little side road through the jungle I wanted to take. I had to turn around after about 5 miles cause of trees fallen across the road.
These 2 pics are from a "restaurant" and the road in to it. Kind of felt like I had stepped into a scene from "Deliverance" when I got there. I kept a nervous ear out for Banjo's.
This is where I lost Nick again, I don't know what I'm gonna do with that boy. I left him behind after we left the Calakmul Ruins cause he needed to conserve gas to make it to the next gas station. I didn't, so I was full on enjoying this cool road. We talked about meeting at the restaurant close to the highway, well I was talking about this one, he was talking about one right by the highway. So, I stopped at the Deliverance camp to have a beer and waited for him for a while. Pretty soon I figured he had missed it, so I headed back to the highway. The guard guys there said he had gotten on the highway and headed east. I knew he had to get gas so I set off for the nearest gas station to the east, about 4o miles. Somehow I got there before he did, we must have missed each other by a half a block in the town before the gas station. Anyway, all is good. I think he was afraid he would have to come back looking for me, but he had to have gas to be able to do that.
After that stop we headed east again and got to Chetumal and got to see yet another ocean, Mar Caribe, the Carribean. Awesome. It seems strange that we were just on the Gulf Coast, Now the Carribean, and soon, after Belize, we will be on the Pacific Coast.
But for the more pressing issues. Tomorrow we will cross into another country, Belize. I have been there once but just off the cruise ship for a few hours. What little time I was there I loved it and have always wanted to go back, so I am glad I will have a few days there to enjoy it while Nick is gone. Maybe I can stowaway on a sailboat or something.
Hi, Mark this is Kelley and Shaylie. We were wondering how everything is going down there? We think the pictures are really cool! We hope you are having fun! :)