Monday, November 16, 2009

16-Nov-2009 2930 Miles

We are at a place called Escarcega today. It is in the middle of the Yucatan Peninsula. We are almost done with Mexico. Another great day in a chain of many. My camera fell dropped and broke the screen so I can't frame the pics. Snapped this one though. It got me thinking that someone should be driving. Someone suggested that I use the viewfinder to frame my pics like old school. That might be good if this camera had a viewfinder. I'll have to get a new one somewhere soon, in the meantime, you might have to deal with pics like this.
We traveled about 400 miles today. We are going to see some Mayan ruins tomorrow and then make our way to the border crossing in Belize. We may get there a day ahead of plan but that is OK. Wish us luck on that one.
So, does anyone know what has happened to all the VW bugs/beetles/etc. when they die? They are all here. Every one. They come here to be resurrected from the skeletal remains of those that cannot be resurrected.


  1. Mark sounds like you are having a good time. Maybe you can run on to some Model A Fords when you are looking at the VWs. The Model A Ford was still in production in Argentina up to 1946 so I am sure many of them are still around. If you find some let us know and we will hook up our trailer and head out to see some of the neat stuff you are enjoying.

    Incidentally I went back to the doctor and when he asked me how I was doing. I told him I am doing wonderful, feeling great, and your mom isn't nearly as crabby as she was before the stents. You know I enjoy teasing her 28 hours a day. She seems to take it well and can give it right back to me.

    Be careful. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you. Respectfully Jim

  2. Hello cutie pie,
    I have been reading your blogs and of course worring about you, but I hope that you are enjoying yourself. Like I have told you, you need to live life while you can and to the fullest. I wish that Larry and I could be there with you. Spending a month in Mexico with you was probably one of the best experiences in my life. You are so easy to travel with. I honestly don't know of anyone else, with the exception of my son, that we would want to spend that much time with (with out killing them) HA-HA, but you just seem to be a part of us. I hope you know how special you are to us and how much we love and care about you. No matter what we will always be here if you need us. I hope that sometime soon we can go on another adventure together. After being stuck in my house again I am going nuts. I need to get out and have some fun, experience new adventures, and on occation get a little crazy, like we did in Puerto Vallerta. I am still asking for forgiveness for that one night! Not really, we all had a great time, even if I was in shock for a couple of days HA-HA. Yeah, you know what I am talking about. Well be safe, watch out for bott flies, and I will write again soon. Love, Meg

  3. Hey It's me again,
    The blog that I just sent to you was actually the first one I have ever sent, then my son informed me that anyone who gets onto your site can read it. After the last few comments that I made at the end, don't you know that everyone is going to wonder happened that night. Oh the rumors are going to fly, but what is so funny is that we will just keep them guessing! Larry laughed his ass off when I told him.

  4. WOW sounds like you haven a fantastic time, is only going to get better so be ready! I'm so happy for you, I wish I could do something like that....
    Sandra ;)
