Casablanca, Chile. We rode mostly down the coast today and made it into Valparaiso. I was looking forward to that city as it is very historical, pirates, etc. But once we got there the appeal wasn't there so we carried on. We are in Casablanca now, within easy reach of Santiago in the morning. There, we should be able to get a front tire for Nick's bike and be on our way south again.
Nick knows someone who lives in Curico south of Santiago. We are planning on spending a few days there. The break will be nice. We have been running hard, but it has been great. We have watched the scenary change so drastically. From the very wet high mountains in Peru, Bolivia and Eastern Chile to the Atacama Desert(which for 600 miles we did not see a live plant except in the cities) and now to a more temperate zone with conifers and deciduous trees.
I just checked and I guess we are firmly, officially in the southern termperate zone(but so was the Atacama Desert) by being south of the Tropic of Capricorn.
Once we get very far south of Santiago, I think we will be seriously out in the weeds again. It gets to be pretty far from town to town. I am excited to see this wild place and I have no idea what it will hold for us. I don't even know what it's supposed to look like and I don't want to find out by surfing the web. We will just experience it and see what there is to see.
Good to see you two Butt heads are still ok. I told you to use your O2 at altitudes.I've not been on a computer for a few days good to see all the progress you have made Great pictures. When are we going to see pictures of B.E.Bs.Are you guys close to the place where the plane went down with the rugby team back in the 70s? Keep living the Dream.