Saturday, February 6, 2010


We are back in Rio Grande and will continue to head north tomorrow. I will continue to keep you updated as we progress in whatever way we end up progressing. Of course I found boats, seriously cool sailboats, equipped for this kind of hell. Here are some more pics of Ushuaia, enjoy.

As we were looking around today a favorite line, by a favorite actor, in a favorite movie came to mind and seems really fitting here.
"There is nothing like riding a fine horse into a new country. This is just what we were meant for . . ." Robert Duvall as Augustus McRae in Lonesome Dove

Nick has carried a rock with him since we left the states for the purpose of throwing it into the water at El Mundo Final. He wrote on the rock, "onward and upward". It meant something to both of us. As great as this adventure is, it is not what defines us and not something that I want to spend the rest of my life looking back at. We give a great amount of lip service to Living for now or living every day to its fullest and so little time doing it. And it doesn't have to mean that you live for one grand adventure after another. It just means you have to happy where you are, you have to love with your whole heart, embrace each day like there is no tomorrow and you have to be responsible to those around you in your life to be able to feel the freedom of the other things. I have not always been able to do those things in my life, but on this journey I have recognized them, gelled those thoughts together and will carry these things into my life.
It has been a true joy to get to travel with Nick Lucas on this Journey(Viaje). He is a good man and great spirit.


  1. Congratulations!!! What a great adventure. We have really enjoyed folowing along thanks for including us on this fantastic voyage.Tell Nick we hope to see him in Moab in Sept. for more great stories around a campfire and maybe we can meet you also Mark.

  2. Well done! It has been a thrill to be 'with you' on your journey.

  3. The adventure isn't over it is just beginning like you said all you have is the moment at hand. Thank's for sharing the trip. Tell Nick I'll bring the cookies he makes the coffee. Oh I think someone who has a hard time riding a snowmobile owes someone a Jazz game?? B.E.B??
